Nobody likes airline fees match, especially when it involves checked bag fees. Frequent fliers and travelers with expensive credit cards can avoid airline fees match. Perhaps they don’t get outraged as much with changes to baggage fees as with other airline...
However airlines spin it, when a mileage program changes its frequent flier rules it’s usually not good news for consumers. The most recent mileage program changes by American Airlines, scheduled to take effect in May, could be the worst yet for many travelers....
The problems of pets on planes have severe consequences for others caused by passengers breaking the rules. Last month, a passenger was flying with her chihuahua on United Airlines. She was traveling from Denver to Portland. United’s pet rules state, “Once...
Airline fees have been comic fodder for years — especially with budget and international airlines. I remember being in London over a decade ago and seeing a comedian do a great riff on Ryanair and equivalents. Those tickets cost maybe five pounds, but you ended up...
Passengers still face COVID-19 trip cancellations or postponements. As we move into a post-pandemic world, most travel agents will tell you, we’re still having people cancel or postpone trips due to COVID-19. Thankfully, for the most part, the disease is not as...
Airline delays are full of gray areas. One of the most aggravating airline delays is when a traveler gets a notice from their airline or finds out online that a flight is seriously delayed. However, that delay notification is always followed by the disclaimer saying,...
These accomplishments have been achieved by working closely with our members, national media, the travel industry, the Department of Transportation (DOT), Congress and many other agencies.
– Removal of restaurant fees from DC area eateries — this is an ongoing project
– Creation of DOT Dashboard to outline consumer rights after cancellation of a flight
– Bi-partisan bill to eliminate hotel resort fees introduced into House of Representatives
– Creation of the Advisory Committee for Aviation Consumer Protections
– Advertised airfares now include airfare plus, mandatory taxes and fees
– Lost/damaged/delayed luggage compensation limit increased to $3,800
– Passengers have 24 hours to change or cancel their nonrefundable tickets without penalty
– Once an airfare is purchased, that airfare and ancillary fees cannot be increased
– Families flying together act passed by Congress that requires family members 13 years of age and younger to sit with other family members at no additional cost.