Aviation industry joins with Consumer Travel Alliance to oppose increase in TSA security tax

Consumer travel alliance
Budget negotiations are going on in DC. And, wouldn’t you know it, Congress wants to double the TSA security tax from $2.50 to $5. But, that’s not the worst of the budget deal — the increased funds will not even go toward airport and flight security; the government will put it into the general fund to balance the budget. That is unfair, deceptive and abuses the flying public.

The Aeronautical Repair Station Association, Airlines for America, Air Line Pilots Association, Global Business Travel Association, International Air Transport Association and the Regional Airline Association joined with the Consumer Travel Alliance to urge Congress to find other ways to balance the budget than on the backs of airline passengers.
During the debates on sequestration last spring, the air traffic control system budget was slashed by Congress, but quickly returned to duty. The Consumer Travel Alliance, along with the other groups who have signed on to this letter, worked the halls of Congress to let senators and representatives know that this kind of cut would curtail economic growth and put the safety of the flying public in danger and it was not sitting well with America’s fliers.
In addition, since 80 percent of the air traffic system, much of airport operations and the TSA security apparatus are paid for by aviation user fees, travelers are paying directly for aviation support services. Congress relented after a week of intense discussions and visits from the Consumer Travel Alliance and others in the aviation industry.
This doubling of the TSA security fees is simply a money grab that will not go towards improving anything that has to do with airport security. Congress should not foist additional taxes and fees on air travelers unless they go directly to supporting the aviation system. We are paying more than our share.
Signed: The Aeronautical Repair Station Association, Airlines for America, Air Line Pilots Association, Global Business Travel Association, International Air Transport Association, Regional Airline Association and the Consumer Travel Alliance.

