How to not be deceived by airline seating hanky-panky

How to not be deceived by airline seating hanky-panky

Don’t let yourself be deceived by airline seating games of hide and seek. As the airlines have begun unbundling their airfares, many seats now require paid reservations. On some flights, I have seen every aisle seat and every window seat tagged with an extra...
How to file airline complaints and get compensation

How to file airline complaints and get compensation

Consumer protection notification and DOT airline complaint systems need improvement. Improving the Department of Transportation (DOT) processes to help passengers is a Travelers United goal. DOT has enhanced its website and provides better customer service...
Scores of passengers suffer illness on airlines

Scores of passengers suffer illness on airlines

Airline sick-passenger rules allow diseases to spread  Congress has extended the time that the FAA bill is waiting to be passed. The last extension means that the bill that funds the aviation industry won’t be voted on until March 2024. This extension means that...