Opportunistic change and slow change in Washington, DC

Advocacy groups all jump on the bandwagon when something changes to the better for consumers. However, though change seems to happen quickly, it is almost always a product of a long range effort or opportunity. Two recent efforts by Travelers United that resulted in...

Do we need to pay more taxes to support airports? No.

The FAA reauthorization bill is coming up for a vote in about 200 more days. Between now and then, there are a lot of issues that will be considered and that will impact airline passengers, airlines and airports significantly for the next half-decade. The bill...

To airlines — In 2015, let competition thrive

The airline industry is doing everything it can to limit competition. It has refused to disclose ancillary fees to travel agents and the public during the act of purchasing a ticket, making comparison shopping impossible. Delta Air Lines is restricting the...

Senate vote paves way for rollback of TSA Security Tax

Joint consumer and airline industry efforts mean $60 million in tax savings for consumers. Travelers United, the leading consumer advocacy group for travelers, applauds the Senate passage of legislation to protect consumers from the continuing increases of government...