Maybe we’re all traveling naked, after all

No, this isn’t the next hottest promotion by Virgin Atlantic to try to increase air travel. No, the TSA has not instituted a new uniform policy trying to project a hip vibe. According to the USA Today, “The Transportation Security Administration plans to install 150...

Are you an Airport Ambassador?

It’s hard to even remember what that feeling was like when you entered an airport for the first time. For experienced travelers, navigating the evolving processes, delays, and cancellations is just part of the journey. But, for the first time traveler, entering the...

For food, go off the beaten path

My mouth is still watering from the authentic Jamaican Jerk chicken. No, not the “authentic” food you’ll get at or right next to the resorts (although it was good), but the real stuff you can find off the beaten path. A few years ago, my wife and I had frequent flier...

Five minutes with a TSA employee

For the hurried traveler, encountering the TSA security lines can sometimes feel like a flashback to grade school confusion. I’ll explain. Remember the days of waking up and fighting with your parents about not wanting to go to school? Some of you may be having those...