Donate to Travelers United. Keep us working for you to make travel better

Thank you to every Travelers United reader. We need your help to keep working for you — especially as the pandemic disappears.

Donate to Travelers United. It has done more for travelers than any other organization in Washington, DC.

Your support and your voices give us the strength to succeed. We need your continued help and your contributions.

After the COVID-19 pandemic, travel will come back. Consumers still need a voice with Congress, the DOT, and the travel industry. Donate to Travelers United. We work for YOU every day to make travel better.

  • We work with congressional committees to create a common set of rules and expiration dates to provide more than $10 billion in outstanding flight credits to travelers. 
  • During the pandemic, Travelers United led the consumer group battles to get airline refunds in cash rather than airline credits.
  • We were one of the loudest and most consistent consumer voices working to develop a national facemask mandate for flying.
  • DOT, DOJ, and the FAA hear from us every week to keep airfares competitive during these difficult times.
  • Travelers United works in the background to ensure disinfectants used in airplanes are environmentally friendly and not dangerous to passengers.
  • We have finally convinced most airlines to eliminate most change fees.
  • Today, hotels are facing lawsuits and new laws, introduced in Congress, to eliminate false hotel resort fee advertising.

Donate to Travelers United

Travelers United helps you, the traveler.

These are new rules that have been created because of our efforts in Washington with the Department of Transportation, Congress, and the entire travel industry.

  • The 24-hour Rule allows travelers to change air reservations without penalty for 24 hours after reservations are made (except for reservations made within a week of travel)
  • Lost/damaged/delayed luggage compensation of up to $3,500
  • An official DOT Passenger Advocate
  • Creation of a lock on airfare and fee increases after purchase … and much more.
  • A new DOT Complaint System so that travelers can be heard

Travelers United is the #1 Travel Advocacy group in Washington, DC. We lead other consumer groups that can help with traveler needs from airlines, trains, and buses to hotels and rental cars.
Every travel consumer protection that was passed during the pandemic was worked on by Travelers United.
Have a wonderful holiday season and may next year bring us an end to the COVID-19 pandemic that has brought travel to a halt.
  • Give yourself the gift of a better voice in DC.
  • Your donations allow us to keep working.
  • The only consumer organization that depends totally on donations and membership to keep working for you.
  • Join Travelers United Plus, the best cybersecurity package in America. Only $49 a year.
  • As we begin the election season, we remain focused on making travel better. We begin our work in Congress, once again, from scratch. We serve new legislature, cybersecurity is more important than ever, and we emerge from a year of pandemic lockdown.

Pass the word to other travelers. We all need your help in Washington for travelers.

Or join our Travelers United Plus Program.
Support our work and get the top package of cybersecurity tools
that can be used every day in your neighborhood and across the planet, 
whether traveling or working from home. .

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